Jaron Schneider, Fstoppers

Often, we don’t have time to set up an elaborate lighting arrangement, but we still need the light to not look like it came off a disposable Kodak. For times like those, a quick and easy system is key, and that’s where the Spinlight comes in. A brand new product to...

Mitch Aunger, PlanetMitch, Planet5D.com

The SpinLight 360 – It’s pretty cool.  There are several bizzillion accessories that come with this.  This is the first flash modifier I’ve seen on the market with a black modifier bounce card.  [The SpinLight 360] spins and makes it very easy to get the bounce card...

IMPress Best of Show

        We were proud to be selected as the Best of Show at the PDN PhotoPlus Conference + Expo held in New York in October 2012  by IMPress Magazine an International Press Association publication. Please visit their site to read about this...